The right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams have:

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The right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams have:

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The list of persons who in 2017 have the right to enter higher education institutions of Ukraine without a certificate of external evaluation

Admission to Ukrainian universities without external evaluation certificates

According to the conditions of admission to higher educational institutions for some citizens of Ukraine there are special conditions for participation in the competitive selection for admission to higher education.

The right to enroll in the interview have:

persons recognized as war invalids in accordance with paragraphs 10-14 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine « On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection »; persons who by the Law of Ukraine « On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens Affected by the Chernobyl Accident » granted the right to be admitted without examinations to state higher educational institutions based on the results of the interview; persons with disabilities who cannot attend school (on the recommendation of the health and social protection authorities).

The right to participate in the competition based on the results of entrance exams have:

persons who are legally recognized as participants in hostilities and who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, took part in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its implementation, including those who serve in the military (except conscripts) in the manner prescribed by the provisions of military service by citizens of Ukraine; orphans, children deprived of parental care, persons from among them; persons who have diseases specified in the List of diseases that may be an obstacle to citizens to pass an external independent assessment, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 25, 2008 No. 124/95, registered in the Ministry of Justice Ukraine March 7 2008 under No. 189/14880; discharged from military service (including demobilized) after November 30, 2016.

Also, citizens of Ukraine, whose place of residence is the territory of the anti-terrorist operation (for the period of its implementation) or moved from it after January 1, 2017, have the right to participate in competitive selection based on entrance exams and / or external independent assessment in higher education on the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions and relocated higher educational institutions, determined in accordance with the Procedure for admission to higher and vocational education of persons residing in the territory of the anti-terrorist operation (for the period of its implementation), approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from June 21, 2016 No. 697.

In addition, citizens of Ukraine who live in the temporarily occupied territory or moved from it after January 1, 2017, have the right to participate in the competitive selection based on the results of entrance examinations and / or external independent assessment when entering authorized higher education institutions determined in accordance with with the Procedure for admission to higher and vocational education of persons living in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 24, 2016 No. 560.

Compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Admission to Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine in 2017.

conditions of admissionuniversity rankingselectronic receiptuniversities of Ukraineintroductory campaign

Related links:

▶ Documents for admission to universities in Ukraine▶ Directory of Ukrainian universities


The document defines the features of admission to educational institutions, including vocational education institutions

The conditions for admission of junior specialists – 2019 have been approved

The Ministry of Education and Science has approved the Conditions of admission to study to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in 2019.

The document defines the features of admission of applicants to educational institutions, including vocational education institutions.

In order to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist in 2019, persons who have received basic or complete general secondary education, as well as students who have received the level of a skilled worker will be accepted.

Competitive selection for admission on the basis of basic general secondary education will be carried out in the form of entrance examinations, creative competitions or interviews.

For entrants entering on the basis of basic general secondary education, the reception of applications and documents from entrants will begin on July 1 and will last until July 13, 2019.

Entrance exams, creative competitions and interviews will be held from 14 to 21 July.

The ranking lists of entrants, indicating the recommended persons for enrollment, will be published on July 23. Accordingly, the fulfillment by entrants of the necessary requirements for enrollment in places of state or regional orders will last until 12.00 on July 27.

Applicants entering on the basis of complete general secondary education will apply for admission only in electronic form, with the exception of certain categories of applicants. Competitive selection for admission on the basis of complete general secondary education will be carried out in the form of external evaluation, creative competitions, entrance exams or interviews. In 2019, applicants will be accepted for the EIT certificates of 2017, 2018 and 2019, in addition to grades in English, German, French and Spanish. If a foreign language is established as a competitive subject in the educational institution, the entrant will be able to submit the results of the external assessment in one of the foreign languages ​​of 2018-2019 at his own discretion.

The possibility of registering e-cabinets and downloading the necessary documents will be available on July 1.

Medical examinations and other pre-tender procedures, if necessary, will be held until July 9.

Acceptance of applications and documents will begin on July 10 and end for persons who will apply on the basis of interviews or entrance exams and competitions – on July 22, for persons who will apply only on the basis of external evaluation certificates – on July 29.

Creative competitions should be held from 01 to 10 July, entrance exams from 23 to 28 July, interviews – 23-25 ​​July.

The ranking lists of entrants who will apply for training on the basis of external evaluation certificates, creative competitions and entrance exams will be published no later than 12.00 on August 1. Accordingly, the fulfillment of the necessary enrollment requirements will last until August 5.

Enrollment of entrants for state or regional orders must take place on August 6, and at the expense of individuals or legal entities no later than August 16. However, additional enrollment in vacancies under the contract form of training may last until September 30.

Competitive selection for admission on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a skilled worker will take place in the form of an examination in the Ukrainian language and profile entrance examinations.

For entrants entering on the basis of the educational and qualification level of a skilled worker, and all other categories of entrants, the terms of acceptance of applications and documents, competitive selection and enrollment will be determined by the rules of admission of educational institutions. At the same time, enrollment in state or regional orders must be completed no later than September 15.

The conditions of admission to study to obtain the educational and qualification level of a junior specialist also determine other features of the admission campaign for applicants who will enter the university in 2019.

CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE. Junior specialist level

conditions of admissionintroductory campaign


The document proposes several innovations that will be applied when enrolling applicants in 2021

The draft Terms of admission to universities in 2021 has been published

The Ministry of Education and Science has developed a draft Conditions for admission to higher education institutions in 2021.

The draft document is published on the website of the education department.

The document proposes several innovations, which after the approval of the Terms of Admission will be applied when enrolling applicants in higher education institutions in 2021.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, next year all categories of applicants will be able to apply through e-offices, buy compare and contrast essay cheap including on the basis of OKU junior specialist, who have at least one EIT certificate.

It is also planned to introduce the possibility of fulfilling the requirements for enrollment through the electronic cabinet using a qualified electronic signature of the applicant.

To support regional higher education institutions, it is proposed to increase the weight of the regional coefficient to 1.03 and to 1.05 for specialties with special support.

In addition, it is proposed to introduce weights for admission to the master’s degree – the institution will be able to increase the weight of the score for the professional exam, leaving for a foreign language exam at least 25%. It is also planned to give the institution the right to set in its admission rules the minimum value of entrance exams and competitive score for admission to a particular competitive proposal.

To avoid confusion and misunderstandings with the provision of recommendations for the contract, the applications of those applicants who are included in the budget, it is proposed to automatically exclude from the competition for all other proposals except when the applicant wishes to leave them (if program , more than one educational institution, etc.).

Next year, for the first time, it will be possible to pass the external examination in the Ukrainian language and literature in two levels: only in language or language and literature.