Latina Women Are At Greater Risk For Gestational Diabetes

The qualitative research methods used in this study were intended to survey the range of variables affecting the work experiences of Latina immigrants. While offering a rich, almost visceral understanding of factors impacting this group, these methods cannot quantify frequency of occurrence, magnitude of consequences, or salience of a given problem to the immigrant community as a whole. It is also possible that the use of focus groups rather than individual interviews may have impacted the findings.

It is believed that a major factor driving this disparity is that women frequently have to use tools and equipment sized for men. The physically stressful positions women must put themselves in to use inappropriately sized tools or equipment significantly elevates their risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders. Much of these differences are grounded in the presence of occupational segregation. Latina workers are far more likely to be found in certain low-wage professions than white men are (and less common in high-wage professions). But, even in professions with more Latina workers, they still are paid less on average than their white male colleagues.Figure Bshows the average wages of Hispanic women and white non-Hispanic men in the 10 most common occupations for Latinas.

14% of the women immigrants from the Dominican Republic have bachelor’s degrees compared to the 12% of Dominican men. Patterns of female family structure are found to be similar in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and tend to be more matrifocal.

Ensuring this population has access to good jobs and the social safety net is critical to addressing economic inequality. The term Hispanic was first used by the U.S. government in the 1970s after Mexican American and other Hispanic organizations lobbied the federal government to collect data on the population.

Collective bargaining agreements also mimic pay transparency by clearly defining pay scales for different positions.26 As such, pay gaps are lower for union workers. Similarly, banning salary history helps eliminate outright wage discrimination by preventing workers from carrying around lower wages as they change jobs.

Additionally, women with gestational diabetes will need to be tested for Type 2 diabetes 4 to 12 weeks after a baby is born. If you don’t test positive for Type 2 diabetes at that follow-up visit, make sure to get tested as part of your yearly physical. Women in the Workplace 2019 In the last five years, we’ve seen more women rise to the top levels of companies. Yet women, and particularly women of color, continue to be underrepresented at every level.

In the initial phase, the Latina focus groups were coded as part of a wider study of work experiences that also included focus groups conducted with male immigrants and native-born workers. This initial analysis was aimed at developing a set of labels or codes applicable across the entire range focus group transcripts. The investigators met more than a dozen occasions to discuss their own and others’ coding decisions for participant responses. Through this process, a basic coding schema was iteratively developed that was subsequently applied to the entire qualitative database by a trained, bilingual research assistant.

With a national circulation of 150,000 and a readership of nearly 600,000, LATINA Style reaches both the seasoned professional and the young Latina entering the workforce for the first time. The culturally sensitive editorial environment we provide showcases Latina achievements in all areas, including business, science, civic affairs, education, entertainment, sports, and the arts. We also offer technology tips and reviews, entertainment reviews, travel recommendations, investment guidance, beauty tips, food and drink recipes, automotive updates, and career advice—in summary, all of the things that impact the quality of life.

  • Access to training and apprenticeship is especially important for underrepresented groups.
  • Furthermore, women earn less in their apprenticeship programs than men do.
  • Women workers are only 7.3 percent of those in registered apprenticeships.33 Of women who are in apprenticeship programs, less than 10 percent are Hispanic, compared to men in apprenticeships, almost 16 percent of whom identified as Hispanic.
  • Hispanic women earn the least in apprenticeship programs compared to all other groups by racial, ethnic, and gender breakdown.
  • All the while, policymakers must ensure that these apprenticeships continue to be paths to training while earning living wages.

The Legislative Day gives participants the opportunity to speak on behalf of their community and educate legislative staff about critical issues affecting families. For many women, this is the very first time that they go to Sacramento and meet with our legislators. Yes, the United States has come a long way since the days when women could not legally vote and were barred from legitimate employment – but the reminder of this wage gap demonstrates that our lawmakers still have much to do to ensure equality for all women in America.

Other Words From Latina

Another underrepresented group are the children of Hispanic migrant workers. Department of Education’s Migrant Education Program serves approximately 345,000 students between the ages of three and 21, most of them Latino. The College Assistance Migrant Program offers financial support for college freshmen, along with five-year tuition grants. However, because migrant families are constantly on the move, these students often perform poorly in the classroom. Additionally, their secondary school dropout rates are higher than those for non-migrant students.

My mother put off marriage and having a child and dedicated her time to figuring out her future. Her parents were not as supportive as she would have liked, and she left home . When students need Individual Education Programs , families are sometimes hesitant to support such plans. They worry what it might potentially mean for their child regarding being labeled.

Ultimately, however, I had to honor the wishes of the parents and stop counseling services. If the client or family members are working, their work environments may be less than ideal.


« In this pandemic, we’ve just seen women bear the brunt of the responsibilities — whether it’s for their business, for their job, for their children, home schooling. » And notably, nearly half of black women (48%) and Latinas (47%) report having been mistaken for administrative or custodial staff, an experience far less common for white (32%) and Asian-American (23%) women scientists.