There, the working conditions should be made better and the job more attractive

There, the working conditions should be made better and the job more attractive

The Bundestag had passed a billion dollar package to stabilize the pension for the next few years. Among other things, the security level of the statutory pension will be fixed at at least 48 percent until 2025, and the maternal pension will be expanded again.

Kramer also rejected advances by the SPD and the Greens up to and including the abolition of the Hartz IV system: «  » The principle of promoting and demanding must not be shaken. «  » The main challenge is how to get as many people as possible out of unemployment could – and not how they could be better managed.

Chancellor Merkel said that Germany can be proud of the fact that it has a higher number of people in employment than ever before. Unemployment is at a low level. She said at the same time that she understood that employers were looking at certain developments with a certain concern. Merkel committed to the goal of keeping non-wage labor costs in Germany below the 40 percent mark. At the same time, however, she referred to the critical situation in nursing. There, the working conditions should be made better and the job more attractive.

Merkel also referred to the importance of the goal of creating equal living conditions in Germany. Regarding housing policy, she said that rents are very high in large cities and that there are no apartments. On the other hand, many apartments are empty, especially in rural regions. However, the best way to combat the housing shortage is to build a house, not a rent brake. It is also about building faster and allocating more building land.

Merkel also pointed out that younger people often left rural regions to work in big cities. The older ones stayed behind. This drives people on, politics must take care of it. When it comes to digitization, it is important to expand fast Internet across the board. Politicians must take people with them when it comes to digitization.

After Lower Saxony, Bavaria has also announced that it will gradually reopen its restaurants and hotels. In addition, Prime Minister Markus Söder announced further relief.

After weeks of bans and restrictions, the Bavarian cabinet has also decided to significantly relax its tough anti-corona measures and to open restaurants. Restaurants and hotels are allowed to reopen gradually: outdoor areas on May 18th, indoor restaurants on May 25th, hotels on May 30th.

The exit restrictions will be lifted – but certain contact restrictions and a ban on people gathering in public spaces will remain in place. From Wednesday it is allowed to meet or visit someone outside of your own household and also close family members.

From next Monday, all shops will be allowed to reopen, including all larger ones. The previous restriction to a sales area of ​​a maximum of 800 square meters no longer applies.

Saxony-Anhalt had previously relaxed its contact restrictions, Lower Saxony had also pushed ahead, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania – a holiday destination like Bavaria – had also announced the opening of its hotels for the end of May.

Söder: «  » The successes are clear «  »

«  » Now is the right time to carefully open it. The successes are clear, «  » said Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) after the cabinet meeting in Munich on Tuesday. Since March 21, there had been exit restrictions to reduce the risk of infection with the new type of coronavirus Sars-CoV-2; these had meanwhile been repeatedly extended and adapted to the infection situation. 

According to Söder, only around 6,400 people are currently infected with the corona virus in Bavaria. Compared to last week alone, the number of sick people has halved. Now it is therefore crucial to get out of the crisis, slowly and safely – that remains the top priority. « Today is time to act, » stressed the CSU boss.

The Bavarian concept was agreed with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). With a view to the federal and state conference on Wednesday, Söder emphasized that the Bavarian «  » path of reason «  » could also be a blueprint for other states that, like Bavaria, did not want to act rashly.

Further easing is coming

After weeks of corona-related closings and closings, playgrounds in Bavaria may be released again from this Wednesday. From next Monday, zoos, botanical gardens, museums, libraries, galleries, exhibitions and memorials will follow. The Free State is thus implementing a federal-state agreement from last week.

Pandemic news blog: Current information Lockdown at a glance: These corona rules now apply to you Before possible corona easing: RKI rates the course of infection as positive

Bavaria is also relaxing the strict corona-related ban on visiting hospitals and care facilities. From the weekend, visits from a permanent contact person are again permitted – subject to strict hygiene and protective measures.

Sources used: dpa news agency

The French army recently had to fly out patients from Alsace because the hospitals are at their limit. Now Baden-Württemberg and the Saarland are helping.

The Saarland and Baden-Württemberg come to the aid of the French region of Alsace, which is particularly suffering from the corona virus. The Freiburg University Hospital admitted the first seriously ill patients on Saturday evening. In Alsace, the number of cases has recently increased rapidly. Ventilation places are now becoming scarce there.

As the President of the Haut-Rhin Department Council, Brigitte Klinkert, told the « Badische Zeitung », two patients were transferred to Freiburg. Three more would come to Heidelberg and three to Ulm. One each will be housed in Mannheim and Villingen-Schwenningen. All would have to be ventilated. «  » Thank you (Prime Minister) Winfried Kretschmann «  » wrote Brigitte Klinkert on Twitter. Switzerland also promised to help.

Kretschmann had previously asked the hospitals in the southwest for help for the French colleagues. «  » The French hospitals near the border have reached the limit of their treatment capacities for patients requiring ventilation, «  » said a letter from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health to the hospital managers, reported by the AFP news agency.

Emergency room at the University Clinic Freiburg: The hospital is initially accepting two patients from France. (Archive picture) (Source: Patrick Seeger / dpa)

The Green Prime Minister has «  » promised to support Baden-Württemberg, «  » the letter dated March 19 continues. «  » We therefore ask you to admit patients from France who require ventilation, if there is still free capacity in your hospitals. «  »

Saarland also provides ventilation places

The Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) also offered in a telephone conversation with the President of the Regional Council of Grand Est, Jean Rottner, to admit seriously ill corona patients, as the Saarland State Chancellery announced on Sunday. The Saarland wants to «  » provide ventilation places for French emergency patients within the scope of our capacities and possibilities.

A spokesman for the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Health said on Saturday: «  » Of course we are trying to give our French neighbors temporary and limited emergency aid within the scope of our possibilities. «  » First, the «  » Schwäbische Zeitung «  » reported on the ministry’s request for admission. It’s about people who would die in the coming days without ventilation.

News blog about the virus: All current information Second wave in Germany: Symptoms, transmission and course Current Corona situation: The number of infections in your region

According to the ministry, Baden-Württemberg currently has enough free ventilation places, there are around 2,300 in the state. According to the hospital association BWKG, around 80 percent are currently occupied, but currently only with fewer than 20 corona patients, as the newspaper further reported.

Sources used: news agencies AFP, dpa

The coronavirus has spread rapidly in the Bavarian Mitterteich, nobody knows exactly why. A curfew has been in effect since Wednesday, as it may soon be in all of Germany. A site visit.

Mitterteich would have liked to do without this celebrity: In the small town in the Upper Palatinate, not far from the Czech border, the first nationwide curfew due to the corona crisis applies. When the spring sun rises on Thursday, the state of emergency in the streets around the Catholic parish church of St. Jakob from 1890 becomes practically recognizable.

Police officers control the main access roads. Unlike some passers-by, they do not yet wear respiratory protection. Anyone who does not live or deliver something in the city of 6,500 people has to stay outside. Working people are allowed to work, others to go shopping. Schools and kindergartens have been closed for days. The town hall is now also closed. You can also see what life with curfew in Mitterteich looks like in our video above or here.

Kretschmann: «  » It depends on the population «  »

And Mitterteich could soon be anywhere in Germany. As the SWR reported on Thursday, Chancellor Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states want to advise on curfews on Sunday. The station cites the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). « It depends on the population whether we have to take stricter measures, » said Kretschmann to the SWR. Several heads of government had previously threatened curfews. The background to this is that many German citizens do not comply with the calls for self-isolation.

Comment: A ray of hope in the virus crisis

Is Mitterteich a foretaste of what lies ahead for all of us? On this morning, strangers frowned at all the pedestrians who were on their way. Under curfew you imagine something else. According to the police, it works. So far, people have only had to be instructed in isolated cases. Ultimately, a lot of personal responsibility is also required.

Did a strong beer festival bring the virus to Mitterteich?

By Wednesday, 47 people infected with corona were registered in the surrounding Tirschenreuth district, 25 of them in Mitterteich. 15 patients are in the hospital. Five had to be ventilated. Why was the Sars-CoV-2 virus able to spread so well here of all places?

As a rumor an assumption haunts the streets, which then finds its way into the Bavarian state parliament. A strong beer festival is probably responsible, says Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) – and in his government statement he recalls the debate on the cancellation of the strong beer festival at Munich’s Nockherberg a few weeks ago. At that time there was criticism. From the current perspective, this is hardly imaginable.

The crisis team tries to understand chains of infection

Mayor Roland Grillmeier is not convinced of the strong beer festival theory: he knows half of the patients and, to the best of his knowledge, none of them attended the festival. A crisis team is now trying to understand the chains of infection.

The parking spaces on the market square in Mitterteich are almost empty. A girl observes a camera team from a window on the first floor of a residential building. In the butcher shop across from the church there is a coming and going. But there are far fewer customers than usual at this time, says Eva-Maria Grillmeier, wife of the owner. An elderly lady orders minced meat and sausages. She also shops for two friends.

Regular table? Funeral? Going to church?

Nobody can say for sure whether the beer-filled festival with narrow benches and a wet and happy atmosphere is responsible. At lunchtime, Mitterteich is no longer alone with the curfew. In two nearby municipalities in the Wunsiedel district, too, people are only allowed to leave the house with good reason. «  » The number of cases there has risen remarkably fast and sharply, « says a spokeswoman for the district office.

1,450 residents in Hohenberg an der Eger and in the Neuhaus district are affected by the curfew. « The majority of those infected in the Wunsiedel district live with us, » says Hohenberg mayor Jürgen Hoffmann (SPD). As in Mitterteich, they puzzle over the routes of infection. Regular table? Funeral? Going to church?

«  » Then in the end only the Bavaria-wide curfew «  »

If you listen to Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) in the state parliament, it becomes clear that further curfews may soon be necessary. «  » If many people do not limit themselves voluntarily, then in the end the only thing that remains is the Bavaria-wide curfew as the only tool to react to it. That must be clear to everyone. «  »

News blog about the corona virus: Current information at a glance Greens boss Habeck:  » A dramatic turning point  » Current corona situation: The number of infections in your region

In Mitterteich, like elsewhere in Germany, people are now stocking up on supplies, reports butcher shop saleswoman Grillmeier. Some customers have the meat shrink-wrapped for freezing. People keep their distance from one another at the counter. The queue extends to the door.

Sources used: dpa news agency

In January, passengers in Germany have to expect disabilities in air traffic. The Verdi union announces security personnel strikes at «  » many German airports «  ».

A Verdi spokesman said it was still open where the labor dispute would actually take place. However, there are no strikes during the holiday season of the respective federal states. The fourth round of negotiations with the Federal Association of Aviation Security Companies (BDLS) came to an end with a «  » only cosmetic increase in the employer’s last offer. The union spoke of «  » deliberate delays, tactics and impositions «  ».

Strikes could be averted

The collective bargaining for the 23,000 employees in the area of ​​security at German airports are «  » not suitable for endlessly shifting figures back and forth in order to largely leave everything as it is, « explains Verdi negotiator Benjamin Roscher. «  » In order to avert the strikes, we are always ready for new collective bargaining if the employers’ side presents a negotiable offer. «  »

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